Monday, September 7, 2009

My First Menu Plan Monday

I’m so excited to be posting my very first “Menu Plan Monday.” Big kudos to OrgJunkie for hosting this on her site! Cooking has somewhat taken a back seat for me this summer as my dear husband has taken a new job which requires him to work late most evenings. So between swim meets and summer evenings at the pool, I have been more focused on preparing “kid food” and have found myself merely grazing through the evenings. Now that school has started again, its the perfect time to begin menu planning. My focus is on nutritious meals where an extra portion or two could be packed for a lunch the following day.

Monday - Homemade Pizza (Wegman’s pre-made whole wheat pizza dough from the bakery makes this extra easy) pepperoni and vegetable toppings, everyone creates their own!

Tuesday - Curried Brown Rice Salad (I use a variation of the recipe posted here, but substitute chick peas for the tempeh)

Wednesday - Pasta night (pesto, peas & proscuitto)

Thursday - Zucchini Pie, side salad

Friday - Turkey Burgers with horseradish mayo, bacon, lettuce and tomato; sweet potato fries

Saturday - Date night ;) - the kiddies are MeMom’s dilemma!

Sunday - Souper Sunday! - Black Bean Soup with great bread (See next Sunday’s post for the recipe)

One benefit I noticed immediately is that this greatly simplified my grocery shopping and again capitalized on the local farmer’s market yield (zucchini). I added only a few supplemental items for kid lunches to the list - turkey breast, yogurt, cucumbers and baby carrots). I can’t wait to see how this week works out!


  1. I was intrigued by the title of your blog. Zucchini pie sounds tasty--I'm hoping to try it later this month. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I would love for you to join me on for Crock Pot Wednesday. We are easy, fun and economical....the best there is. Come check it out and offer your entry on Mister Linky. Thanks for posting.

  3. I will have to look into the curried recipe. Tempeh is ummm ahhh welllll LOL

  4. Hi - Thank all three of you for commenting on my first blogging day. It's certainly encouraging!!

    @simple - the Zucchini Pie was one of my childhood favorites. My mom starting making it after it won a recipe content in the late 70s/early 80s.

    @debbie - Thank you for the invitation. I have no doubt I will start to participate soon! Over the weekend, I bought a French Bistro Short Ribs seasoning packet for the crockpot. Its low sodium and sounds delicious. I'll post over on your site as soon as I use it!

    @swan - The curried brown rice salad was truly delicious this evening!!! Definitely go for it without the tempeh!

  5. Glad you liked the curried rice salad, with or without the tempeh! :) I do like its nutty flavor, but I know it's not for everyone. Chickpeas sound like a good substitute though.

    Noëlle (simmer down!)

  6. Thanks Noelle - its a great recipe! I think heating the curry with the raisins is what does the trick. Thanks again for sharing and one of these days, I may try the tempeh! :)
