Monday, September 7, 2009

Souper Sunday - Gazpacho

I love September - the kids going back to school and the bright, sparkly, low-humidity days with clear blue skies. Its also the return of our Souper days, where one day a week, I make a big pot of soup which serves not only as a week-night meal but leftovers can be carried to work for lunch. If I’m lucky enough I’ll be able to freeze a couple of containers for a future use. But usually, my dear husband gobbles it up before I can squirrel it away for a later date!

It is one of the last weekends of summer and we are having super, but not quite “souper” weather. Nonetheless, I am anxious to start September off on the right foot. We have had a wonderfully mild summer in NJ and the tomatoes (those that haven’t suffered from the blight crisis), cucumbers and peppers are still going strong. The Main Street Farmer’s Market the past few week has been the perfect inspiration for this week’s soup - Gazpacho!

Its quite easy to make and a great way to clean out the produce drawer of the refrigerator. All you need is a couple of big bowls and a food processor. I used this recipe as a base and substituted 1/4 cup of red onion for the green onions because that is what I had on hand. I like to serve Gazpacho a la George (my Dad) - with a dollop of sour cream and balsamic vinegar reduction drizzled across the top (boil down balsamic vinegar until it gets syrupy and store in a squeeze bottle). Dad has also prepared this to great acclaim for family picnics and where he served “drinkable” portions in small clear plastic cups, like mini-Bloody Marys, each with a celery stalk stuck in.

All the cutting and chopping led to a light and refreshing soup, which Ed and I enjoyed alongside fruited tuna sandwiches. Of course, the kids while fascinated with the process, refused to even touch it. They did however snag some of the cut up vegetables (cucumbers and peppers) during the preparation. Therefore, I count it as a success!

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